Welty's Words is Changing This Year

An update and my favorite content of the week

Happy New Year!

I’m excited to share that 2024 will bring a new format to Welty’s Words. Each week, one day of the week that will likely be Sunday, I’ll be sharing my favorite pieces of content that I consumed from the week including podcasts, articles, tweets, and more. One of my favorite things to do is consume and share a variety of content, and I’m excited to do so more broadly. My regular thought pieces will come ideally once or twice a month as well. 🙂 

If you haven’t yet, please check out my previous piece on Marketing and Video Game development.




Pop Culture & General Think Pieces

Business Reading


Business & Investing


Tweets & Misc

I somehow had a basic tweet go slightly viral. I also loved Costco’s response (and don’t mistake this for me not supporting Unions—I do)

Awesome interview advice thread for almost anyone at any stage of their career

A friend of the newsletter, Cameron Mulvey, shares his outlook on the Creator Economy for 2024

Action Bronson and Paris always entertains (shoutout to my brother for sharing this)

Have additional thoughts or content you’d like to share? Connect with me on Twitter or LinkedIn and let’s chat about it! Make sure to share with your friends too if you enjoyed.